Tag Archives: object lesson

Teaching Teens about the Priesthood and Priesthood Keys

The ‘Come Follow Me’ lessons in June focus on helping teens understand the Priesthood and Priesthood Keys. This can be a tricky topic to teach because it is a huge area and it’s hard to find ways to break it down into small, weekly lessons.

In this video, I share a few of my favorite object lessons that teach about keys and about the Priesthood. Hopefully it will help you stimulate great discussions and find ways to help the kids in your class understand and relate to this core principle of the gospel.


Maria Eckersley is a graphic designer and stay-at-home mom of six. You can find more of her teaching tips on her site, MeckMom.com and her YouTube channel Maria Eckersley.



MeckMom’s Teaching Tips: A Super-Sweet Object Lesson for Baptism Talks

This easy object lesson teaches about the blessings of baptism and how we can renew our covenants through repentance and the sacrament. As a bonus, the supplies you use double as an inexpensive gift for the baptism kids.

Check out the video below to find out how to use this cotton-candy object lesson in your next baptism talk, FHE lesson or primary class.


Find more LDS teaching tips and printables on the Sugardoodle Blog and my site MeckMom.com.

MeckMom Baptism Printable Cotton Candy Pink MeckMom Baptism Cotton Candy Printable Set Blue-01

MeckMom’s Teaching Tips: Easy Individual Worth & Repentance Object Lesson

Repentance can be a tricky subject when teaching teens. Often our attempts to teach the commandments can lead to feelings of guilt and inadequacy. Teaching kids to see themselves the way their Father in Heaven sees them can really help them understand their worth – regardless of where they are in the repentance process.

Here’s a quick video that demonstrates one of my favorite easy object lessons for teaching Individual Worth.


MeckMom’s Teaching Tips: Easy Adversity Object Lesson

All of us deal with adversity. Often we struggle to understand why a loving Heavenly Father would cause us such grief and why his timing is often so unfortunate. Teaching youth and adults the benefits of adversity can really help strengthen their testimonies and teach them to see the good in the struggle. I use this simple object lesson to help my classes understand the purposes of adversity in our daily life.


For a few more perfectly-simple adversity object lessons, check out the links below…

Cranial Hiccups uses a delicious and bitter chocolate analogy to teach about adversity here.


The Hills House narrows in on how the Holy Ghost can help us manage adversity with her great soda can analogy. She also includes this fabulous FREE printable.


MeckMom’s Teaching Tip: Easy Object Lesson on Prayer and Obedience

I’m a big believer in object lessons. They help settle the class, catch their interest and reinforce the idea that the gospel principles are woven into the world around us. This week, I’m sharing one of my favorite quick and easy object lessons on looking for help in the right places.


For more object lessons about obedience and finding help through the right sources, check out these great posts.

Sodas, Slushies, and Spiritual Consequences from LDS.org



Is Your Faith as Tough as Nails from EntitledtoRevelation.com