Photography by Amy Little
Day 9 (Saturday) is the day we talk about Christ being laid in the tomb. It also serves as a day to get ready for Easter morning. These Resurrection Rolls you will prepare today are not only a perfect object lesson, but they actually taste great as well. I shared them with the neighbor kids and they were a definite thumbs up. If you want them warm, you could choose to cook them on Sunday. No more explanation needed with the photos to illustrate the directions. The recipe and details are all in the download Easter Advent for Holy Week kit found HERE.
The only other activity scheduled for Saturday is to set the Easter dinner table tonight and consider purchasing an Easter Lily as part of your centerpiece. You can discuss the symbolism of the lily over dinner.
This guest post was submitted by Aimee Ferre. She grew up in the desert of East Mesa in Arizona, but married a mountain loving Utah boy. She currently lives in Sandy, Utah and is a mom to 3 daughters. She owns a small crafting business where she creates holiday decor and specializes in hand-lettering. You can always find her creating new projects or planning gatherings for friends and family. Follow her on Instagram to see what is currently on her desk or find her at www.aimeeferre.com.